Amid the shockwaves of Pavel Durov’s arrest in France, Telegram has issued a defiant statement, reaffirming its unwavering commitment to European Union regulations. The popular messaging app has assured users that its operations remain fully aligned with the Digital Services Act and that its content moderation practices continue to meet the highest industry standards.
“Telegram abides by EU laws, including the Digital Services Act – its moderation is within industry standards and constantly improving,” the messaging platform emphasized on its statement on Sunday. The company also mentioned that its CEO Pavel Durov “has nothing to hide and travels frequently in Europe.”

This statement came after French authorities arested and detained Durov at a local airport following a criminal complaint related to Telegram’s moderation practices, The Shib Daily reported earlier. While formal charges have not yet been disclosed, initial reports suggested that French prosecutors are investigating the role of Telegram and Durov in facilitating criminal activities through the platform.
Telegram dismissed the notion of holding a platform or its owner responsible for content abuse, stating, “It is absurd to claim that a platform or its owner are responsible for abuse of that platform.”
Following Durov’s detention, the Russian embassy in France issued a statement expressing concerns over the incident. “After news appeared in the media about the detention of P.V. Durov, we immediately requested clarification from the French authorities regarding the reasons and demanded the protection of his rights and the provision of consular access,” the embassy said. “As of today, the French side has so far avoided cooperation on this issue,” it added.
Telegram’s statement linked to a March 2024 post from Durov, in which he anticipated potential challenges linked to moderation as the platform grows. In that post, he wrote, “All large social media apps are easy targets for criticism due to the content they host. I can’t recall any major social platform whose moderation has been consistently praised by traditional media.” Durov further noted that “Meta was also the first social media company to have reached a trillion-dollar-plus valuation,” predicting that Telegram could face similar scrutiny during its growth.
The crypto community has responded to Durov’s detention, with Tron founder Justin Sun offering to donate $1 million to a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) focused on supporting Durov’s release. Sun specified that this would only be done if “it’s created in a decentralized way with enough community support.”
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