Today’s cryptocurrency news is focused on various subsectors, including the forced liquidation of a significant player in the crypto banking industry. This
In a world where cryptocurrencies once promised innovation and financial freedom, today’s headlines paint a more troubling picture, featuring tales of fraud,
Worldcoin, an ambitious cryptocurrency project, is facing significant legal and ethical challenges. The company has attracted millions in investment but now finds
A shadow market for Worldcoin accounts has drawn the scrutiny of Singaporean authorities, raising concerns about potential breaches of data privacy and
In a bold demonstration of regulatory oversight, Spain’s High Court delivered a decisive blow to the iris biometric cryptocurrency project, Worldcoin. Despite
In a bold and defiant move against regulatory pushback, Worldcoin, the cutting-edge iris-biometric cryptocurrency project, temporarily suspended its services in Spain. This
South Korea has taken decisive action to uphold digital privacy standards by launching an investigation into Worldcoin, shedding light on potential violations