Launches Margin Trading for $BONE

March 21, 2024
AI Image, a leading cryptocurrency exchange, has announced margin trading for $BONE, the governance token of the native decentralized exchange (DEX) of the Shib project, ShibaSwap. The move is expected to provide traders with increased opportunities and flexibility in the dynamic world of digital assets.

Margin trading is a method of trading assets using funds provided by a third party. In contrast to traditional trading, margin trading allows traders to increase their investment amount by borrowing money. This can potentially lead to higher profits, as traders can invest more than their capital. However, it’s important to note that while margin trading can amplify profits, it can also amplify losses.

Based in the Cayman Islands, is a well-established platform. It has consistently ranked among the top 10 exchanges and covers millions of users worldwide. However, it’s worth noting that is not available to users based in the U.S.

$BONE is a digital asset that is part of the Shib ecosystem. Like other cryptocurrencies, $BONE can be bought, sold, and traded on margin. This allows traders to potentially make larger profits from price movements in $BONE.

The introduction of margin trading for $BONE on represents a significant step forward for both the exchange and the traders. It not only expands the trading options available on the platform but also opens up new possibilities for traders looking to maximize their returns in the crypto market.

However, traders must understand the risks associated with margin trading. While the potential for higher returns is attractive, the possibility of amplified losses is a significant risk. Traders should ensure they fully understand these risks and have appropriate risk management strategies before engaging in margin trading.

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