Trump’s DeFi Drama: The Crypto Saga Stirring Family Feuds and Sparking Internet Frenzy!

September 7, 2024
Trump’s DeFi Drama: The Crypto Saga Stirring Family Feuds and Sparking Internet Frenzy!

The Trumps look to be diving straight into a reality show! They have chosen to delve very deep into the wild world of decentralized finance (DeFi) with their new project, World Liberty Financial (WLF). 😃

Now, that shouldn’t be surprising at all since the Trump family is well known for their flair for the dramatic. Hold on, hold on, this time they didn’t get a new hairdo or post a controversial tweet, but they are on news regarding a high-stakes crypto venture that even blockchain enthusiasts are finding hard to believe.😬

Remember when Trump revealed his rocky relationship with cryptocurrencies? He’d always dismiss them with a wave of his hand, calling them “scams” and “bad news.”😏Well, in today’s times he’s practically become a crypto evangelist, promising to make the U.S. a global leader in digital currencies. 😯

Called WLF, it is the Trump family’s latest foray into the digital realm, and it’s already making waves for its curious mix of ambition and drama. Well, hold your breaths, the project is reportedly modeled after Dough Finance, a blockchain app that was hacked earlier this year, resulting in a cool $2 million loss.  Lol!😆 

To add to that, the Trump family’s involvement in WLF is, of course, a spectacle in itself. 🤣 Consider the case of the youngest Trump, 18-year-old Barron, who is being hailed as the project’s “DeFi visionary,” which sounds like a title straight out of a sci-fi novel, won’t you agree? 😛

Hang on, hang on, the elder bros aren’t slacking off! Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. are donning the hat of “Web3 Ambassadors”, with their daddy playing the role of “Chief Crypto Advocate.”🤪

Now, whether or not you want to call it an ambitious venture or a family affair, is up to you! But for sure, the Trump business is nothing short of a superhero comic!😍

Now, what started off as “The DeFiant Ones,” suddenly changes to World Liberty Financial. After all, the Trumps prefer convention!  It’s big on promises it seems with a governance token, WLFI, which, in a twist is both innovative and slightly baffling, and won’t be transferable. 😶

However, it will let holders vote on key decisions, from integrating new blockchains to adding lending markets. 🤔

Amid all this, the females of the Trump family haven’t been left behind at all! The conjecture is that Lara Trump and Tiffany Trump’s X accounts were recently compromised. Honestly, which hacker would want to promote WLF’s new token? Like seriously.😭

Well, someone did, and at the news desk, we’ll be keeping the tab, and bringing you some freshly brewed content! Oh yeah, about Trump – hmm, it’s nothing short of a family saga that has someone stepped into the unpredictable world of DeFi. Just wait and watch! 😁

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Gairika holds positions in BTC. This article is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. The Shib Magazine and The Shib Daily are the official media and publications of the Shiba Inu cryptocurrency project. Readers are encouraged to conduct their own research and consult with a qualified financial adviser before making any investment decisions.

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