Next-Level Cringe: McDonald’s Flips the Script on Kamala Harris’s Fast-Food Fantasy

August 31, 2024
Next-Level Cringe: McDonald's Flips the Script on Kamala Harris’s Fast-Food Fantasy 🍔🕵️‍♂️

Hold onto your Big Macs, folks! In the latest episode of “Politicians Say the Darndest Things,” our very own Kamala Harris has cooked up a whopper of a tale, claiming she once flipped burgers at McDonald’s. 🍟 But before you get too excited about the VP’s fast-food days, let’s dive into the deep fryer of fact-checking with a side of satire.

McDonald’s Takes a Bite Out of the Claim

Yes, you heard it right. Kamala Harris has been serving up a juicy story about her alleged McDonald’s stint from her college days, supposedly to connect with the working-class folks. But McDonald’s, never one to let a good burger tale go unchallenged, has slapped down this story faster than you can say “Happy Meal.” 🍔

According to the Golden Arches, they have zero records of Harris working behind their counters. No receipts, no uniforms, no “I’m Lovin’ It” aprons from the ’80s. So, it seems like Kamala’s McDonald’s era might just be a Big Mac-sized myth. 😅

A Side of Fact-Checking with Snopes

Not to be outdone, the internet’s resident truth-tellers at Snopes have weighed in. They couldn’t find a scrap of evidence to support Harris’s claim—no old McDonald’s employee IDs, no nostalgic TikToks of her flinging fries. It’s as if her fast-food adventures have vanished into thin air, like a forgotten soft drink at the bottom of the freezer. 🤷‍♂️

So, What’s the Real Deal?

  • Is this a simple mix-up, or is it a calculated move to add some relatable flavor to a political campaign? Here are some spicy questions to ponder:
  • Did Kamala Harris really work at McDonald’s, or is this a marketing gimmick with extra fries? 🍟
  • Could this be the beginning of a new trend where politicians start working at fast-food chains to “relate” to the average Joe? 👩‍🍳
  • Will we see a resurgence of vintage McDonald’s uniforms as campaign memorabilia? 🤔

Disclaimer: While we’re all for a good story, let’s remember: If Kamala Harris did work at McDonald’s, it’s not like she’d have been serving up secret sauce in her VP duties. And if she didn’t, well, let’s not judge too harshly—after all, who hasn’t fantasized about their own fast-food fantasy? 🍔✨

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