Smart Money Strategy: Constructive Investing or a Tool for Market Manipulation?

August 10, 2024

In the wake of a market correction that knocked off more than $200 billion in crypto asset value, guess who swooped in for the steal? 💰💰 Yes, you guessed it right, it’s the institutional investors charging in with their wallets wide open.

A crazy market downturn that caused many people to shudder and panic-sell seemed like nothing but a garage sale to the smart money club! 🛍️💲

We sincerely hope they’re not laughing at panic sellers from their high-rise buildings while drinking their Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon and booking their next luxury flight to God knows where. 🍷 They can stay off-grid for so long, only to resurface for the next dip and win at life again. Whoo! 😎

But before we dissect this upper-crust investment strategy, it’s time for a little who’s who in this super-elite club! ⛵🏌🏽 These are institutional investors, high-net-worth individuals, and a few seasoned pros who can probably code Bitcoin in their sleep. 😴 These savvy investors know their digital assets like the back of their hand, and when they make a move, the rest of us perk up because they’re major trendsetters, whether it’s in stocks or crypto. 🤩🤑

So while they’re doing all that, the commoners are hoping to catch a peek at their secret stash. And while we say “commoners” so it hurts less, memes peg them as “peasants” instead! 😬

Hate to admit it but when a wallet with an impeccable investment record scoops up 4,000 ETH just like that – having bought and sold ETH seven times between November 2022 and May 2024 – that investor can call me a peasant any day. 😁😅

Even with that, however, Bitcoin is still the shiny toy that institutional investors can’t resist. 🌟 The trading volume for Bitcoin is almost three times that of Ethereum. Lest we forget, BTC whales bought $1.4 billion in Bitcoin in less than 24 hours! 🤯 Guess when. Exactly! 💯 It’s all thanks to a little thing called a market dip.

Smart Money vs. Scared Money

But wait (oh thank God, there’s a “but”)! A growing number of people who are eager to become whistleblowers are not just going to watch idly. 🤨 They believe this isn’t a fluke but history that keeps repeating itself, meaning the top 1% enjoys their wealth at the expense of the 99% referred to in memes as “peasants” – those with average portfolios who can only imagine what life is like up there. 🤔🥺 The whispers going around in this class are about how that power game really needs to be called out for what it is. 🤨

Some are saying this is quite normal actually. You know, they stir up a little chaos and then bounce in for the steal. Ask the 99% about the aristocracy’s oldest trick in the book. They’ll most likely say, “Sell high (institutions), get everyone to panic (retail), then buy low (institutions).” Business as usual for the smart money, eh? 🤝🧧

What’s your take on smart money concepts? Is the power game a conspiracy theory or is the scrutiny warranted? 🤔💭 Critical thinking and doing your own research are always your go-to buddies! 💯

Disclaimer: This article is not trying to ruffle the feathers of the 99%. If the meme called you out, remember that it called us out first! 😅 If you find yourself wanting to aim for the 1%, good for you. If you prefer being in the cozy 99%, good for you still. No harm done as long as you DYOR at all times!

Malaya has positions in SHIB, ETH, USDT, MATIC, etc. This article is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. The Shib Magazine and The Shib Daily are the official publications of the Shiba Inu cryptocurrency project. Readers are encouraged to conduct their own research and consult with a qualified financial adviser before making any investment decisions.

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