A representation of launching crypto platforms
A representation of launching crypto platforms

Donald Trump Jr. Set to Shake Up Crypto: Big Coins, Bigger Drama

August 10, 2024

Donald Trump Jr., the eldest one to the Trump throne and connoisseur of social media drama, is reportedly gearing up to launch his very own DeFi platform. Umm, you heard that right. 😀 The guy who spent the last few years passionately posting on X might now be pivoting to the wild world of digital coins.🪙

In a recent post on X (because apparently, renaming Twitter wasn’t confusing enough), Trump Jr. teased that he and his team are about to drop something “HUGE” in the crypto space. How HUGE is still a debate though! He’s all for decentralized finance (DeFi), proudly claiming it’s the future—here we’re all still contemplating whether or not we get to see a coin with Trump’s face on it!🎺

Trump Jr. hasn’t left any stone unturned to applaud at how much the crypto crowd loves his dad. Seriously, they’re supposedly crazy about him! What? wait. 😯 Uh huh, here’s the catch, Jr. warned everyone to steer clear of fake Trump tokens popping up like bad reality TV spin-offs. “The only official project will be announced directly by us,” he said. “Don’t be fooled—stay tuned for the real deal”, he said.👂 

Crypto and Politics: The Plot Thickens

Well, well let’s talk about Donald Trump Sr. for a second, shall we? Remember when he was all, “Cryptocurrencies are bad news?” Fast forward to now, and he’s using them to help push his political career. Now, who saw that coming? Cherry on the cake 🎂 — Trump’s been pushing his own NFTs` because nothing says “serious political candidate” like selling digital trading cards of yourself. And just to keep the ball rolling, he threw a fundraiser during the Bitcoin Conference 2024, where top-tier tickets were priced at a mere $844,600. 💰

Not to undermine his son’s upcoming crypto antics, Donald Sr. even succeeded in giving Bitcoin a nice little boost—2.6%, to be precise—post his speech. 🎤

A New Crypto Chapter, Starring the Trumps

So, does all this mean anything? Hmm, if Donald Trump Jr. does indeed launch his own cryptocurrency platform, we all could be in for a wild ride. It seems like a game-changer, backed with drama since the launch of Dogecoin. So, are y’all fastening up your seat belts?  💺

Disclaimer: This article is for entertainment purposes only. Please don’t base your life choices on the opinions of billionaires or politicians.

Gairika holds positions in BTC. This article is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. The Shib Magazine and The Shib Daily are the official media and publications of the Shiba Inu cryptocurrency project. Readers are encouraged to conduct their own research and consult with a qualified financial adviser before making any investment decisions.

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