Buying the Dip: Courting Risk or a Stroke of Genius?

July 20, 2024

Crypto holders buying the dip—it’s a tale as old as time. When the market takes a nosedive, these brave souls are always ready to swoop in to have their share of that market-generated discount! 🤑 It’s a risky move at times, but as the saying goes, fortune favors the bold (and the patient HODLer). 😋

Newbies in crypto—and probably even normies—hear “buy the dip” whenever somebody starts yapping about crypto 101. 🗣️📣 While this article is strictly NFA, it’s as handy as it can get.

As Winston Churchill said, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” Let’s be real, people who are willing to dump their life savings into the most volatile market while wishing for the best are the most fearless people on earth. 🙏🏼😁 That’s the daredevil talking and winning every time. 🥳😏

This is exactly why crypto holders are often called degens. Degen is the new brave. 😎

But let’s not forget to give credit to the day traders. They are a whole new level of brave. You’ve seen the memes where everybody wonders what trading strategy a crypto trader has and they look like this. 😂 Or this. 🤣

But going back to the main point, some holders are also like Charlie Lee, creator of Litecoin, who at one point said that the best time to buy is when there’s blood in the streets. 😳 Yes, that’s the same guy who sold almost all of his Litecoins in 2017! 🏷️

Somebody also said, “In crypto, every dip is an opportunity to soar.” 🗠📊 Ah, contrarian investing at its finest. 💡🤓

If you’ve been in this scene for a while now, you’ve probably gone down this path quite a few times too. You’ve probably lost and gained and lost again and gained again, and so on and so forth. 🎢😵 Because every “just one more dip” usually turns into “too many to count!” 😅

And you know what comes after buying the dip. Actually, before and after. 🤭

The next thing in the agenda is usually hodling. 🤓 Perhaps the most iconic quote in crypto comes from the legendary HODLer himself who once proclaimed, “I AM HODLING.” 🍺 In a now-infamous forum post, this crypto crusader declared his intention to hold on to his coins for dear life no matter what the market threw his way. 💪🏼 And honestly, if a guy with a username like GameKyuubi can weather the storm of a market crash with a misspelled meme, sheer determination, and just the right amount of alcohol, then surely the rest of us can too. 🏋🏼🍻 Again, NFA!

But if you ever drunk-tweet and become famous in crypto, we’ll probably be referencing one of your quotes someday—right here in Weekly Meme Digest. 👏🏼📰😉

So here’s to all the brave souls out there buying the dip, 🗠 whether out of greed, fear, or just sheer lunacy. 😄 Remember, billionaire investor Ken Fisher once said, “Time in the market beats timing the market.” ⏳ You might say that’s the genius part. 🌟 At least that’s what we’ll keep telling ourselves as we watch our portfolios rollick like yo-yos on steroids. 🪀

Cheers to the hodlers! 🥂 May your dips be shallow and your gains be plentiful. 🙏🏼💰

Warning: Reading this content may lead to sudden urges to quit your job to monitor crypto prices 24/7. Market fluctuations may cause you to experience an increased heart rate, obsessive checking of charts, and a dramatic affection for dips. Remember to HODL responsibly!

Malaya has positions in SHIB, ETH, USDT, MATIC, etc. This article is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. The Shib Magazine and The Shib Daily are the official publications of the Shiba Inu cryptocurrency project. Readers are encouraged to conduct their own research and consult with a qualified financial adviser before making any investment decisions.

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