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Telegram’s Mini-Apps Go Viral: From Messaging to Hamster CEOs, Millions Flock to Play

May 25, 2024

Move over Farmville, there’s a new sheriff in town, and it lives within your favorite messaging app. Telegram’s mini-apps, bite-sized programs that run directly within the platform, are experiencing a meteoric rise, fueled by a surprising culprit: web3 games.

Imagine running a company with just a tap or two. That’s the premise behind one wildly popular mini-app, “Hamster Kombat.” Players delve into the hilarious (and possibly relatable) world of corporate leadership, tackling everything from hiring sprees to pesky licensing issues. This seemingly simple game has garnered a whopping 19 million daily active users, with nearly 3 million joining the hamster CEO ranks in a single day!

What’s driving this mobile-sized madness? Developers point to a three-pronged attack: engaging gameplay (who knew being a CEO could be so much fun?), a referral system that incentivizes bringing your friends along for the ride, and of course, the allure of in-game rewards.

Telegram’s secret sauce? Web3 integration. These mini-apps tap into the world of blockchain technology, offering features like secure digital wallets and “tokens” that can be used within the games themselves. This integration with the ever-evolving web3 landscape is proving to be a game-changer (pun intended) for user engagement.

While the long-term sustainability of this mini-app boom remains to be seen, one thing’s for certain: Telegram is no longer just a place to chat with friends. It’s become a breeding ground for innovative, bite-sized experiences that are attracting millions and turning everyday users into virtual CEOs (or hamster CEOs, at least).

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