Doland Tremp, Pepe Trump, Maga VP … Meme Coins Dance With Trump Under the Arclights

May 18, 2024

Get ready to laugh, gasp, and maybe even spit out your coffee, because we’re diving into the wacky world of Donald Trump—a fame magnet with a gravitational pull stronger than a black hole! 🌟💥

Trump, the real-estate mogul from New York who bulldozed his way through Washington’s political elite, is back at it again. Love him or hate him, you can’t ignore him! Whether he’s your worst nightmare or your ultimate hero, depends on who you ask! 🤯🎭

This mercurial maverick changes his mind faster than Bitcoin’s price on a Monday morning. Once a crypto-skeptic as president, now he’s hawking his own NFTs like a pro! Talk about a pivot! 🎢🖼 Remember when U.S. officials whispered to Iran not to test Trump’s red lines too much? No one knew if he’d send a tweetstorm or launch a Space Force strike! 🚀🛰

Just last week, at a posh Mar-a-Lago bash, Trump told the crowd, “Crypto is moving out of the U.S. because of hostility towards crypto. We’ll stop it because I don’t want that—we’re going to embrace it, we have to let them be here.” Cue the dramatic music! 🎶💬

On Monday, blockchain analytics wizard Arkham Intelligence posted on X that Trump’s crypto stash is worth a whopping $7 million! 🤑💎 Like crypto itself, Trump’s political saga defies logic and gravity. Courts try to pin him down, but his popularity just keeps soaring! 📈💫

David Bailey, the big cheese at Bitcoin Magazine and Trump’s crypto consigliere, recently predicted that a Trump win in November could kick off a Bitcoin “space race.” 🚀🌌 And in true Trump style, a swarm of Trump-themed meme coins is skyrocketing faster than you can say “You’re fired!” 🔥💼

There’s a whole gaggle of them, kind of like the flock of fans that used to orbit around Trump, starry-eyed from his reality TV days. 🌟 The Doland Tremp (TREMP) coin has been on a wild ride, dropping to $0.1286 and shooting up to $1.11. As of 00:45 am EST on Saturday, it was trading at $0.928, just a smidge below its peak. 📉

📈 Pepe Trump (PTRUMP) has also been doing the cha-cha, now valued at $0.004887. 🐸💃 And don’t miss MAGA VP (MVP), climbing higher as everyone waits with bated breath to see who Trump will tap as his running mate. It’s currently at $0.615. 📊👀

The final curtain hasn’t dropped yet. Donald Trump and his meme coins are sure to dish out more surprises this election season. So, buckle up, because this rollercoaster is just getting started! 🎢

Stay tuned, Shibizens—this is going to be a meme-tastic adventure! 🎉🚀

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