NFT Craze Comeback: Ethereum Leads Daily Sales with $17.02 Million in Transactions

March 28, 2024

The NFT market is experiencing a resurgence this month across various blockchains, signaling a renewed wave of interest and activity in the digital collectibles space.

While Ethereum reclaimed its position as the top-ranking blockchain in daily NFT sales with an impressive $17.02 million in transactions within 24 hours on March 27, other networks also saw significant growth and activity in recent days. This surge propelled Ethereum’s total all-time sales volume to a remarkable $43.36 billion, solidifying its dominance in the industry.

The resurgence of Ethereum in the NFT market comes after a brief stint where Bitcoin held the top spot for two consecutive days. Despite Bitcoin’s near 30% decrease in sales to $11.61 million, it remains on track to surpass $3 billion in all-time NFT sales volume, positioning itself as a formidable player in the market. Solana followed closely behind Bitcoin, experiencing a slight dip in sales to $6.79 million.

In addition to Ethereum and Bitcoin, other networks made notable contributions to the NFT market. Polygon recorded the fourth-highest sales volume with a 6.35% increase, reaching $1.13 million, marking the first time its sales volume exceeded $1 million in a week. Mythos Chain secured the fifth position with $1.06 million in sales.

CryptoPunks, a leading NFT collection, led the surge with a remarkable $17.22 million in sales within 24 hours, fueled by the sale of CryptoPunk #7804 for $16.38 million. This transaction is the second most expensive sale in CryptoPunks history.

The NFT market also saw a surge in specific collections, with the Solana-based Mad Lads NFT collection leading the daily sales chart. Mad Lads experienced a remarkable 166% rise in sales, totaling $1.62 million, and a 1.74% increase in transactions. This surge propelled Mad Lads to a cumulative volume of $150 million, showcasing its growing prominence in the NFT space. Moreover, Ethereum’s Pandora collection, based on the ERC404 experimental token standard, reported a significant 385% increase in sales to $1.42 million.

With Ethereum reclaiming its throne and CryptoPunks making significant strides again, the NFT market remains a dynamic and evolving sector within the broader cryptocurrency landscape. As various networks compete for dominance and collections experience surges in sales, the NFT ecosystem continues to demonstrate resilience and innovation, attracting both seasoned investors and newcomers to the space.

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